Dear Friends,
Sometimes I feel like our (or Nathan's) life should be captured on a "Mystery Diagnosis" series. Nathan is back in the hospital, this time with another unknown problem.
To catch everyone up, Nathan's pneomonia worsened last week. Last Friday we were sent to the hospital by the pediatrician, but then sent back home with different medications by the pulmonary doctor. On Monday, we had a checkup with the pulmonologist who agreed with our assessment that Nathan was recovering as expected. But on Tuesday afternoon, things took another turn for the worse. His fever spiked sky high again along with a lot of other symptoms. Tuesday night was rough. Then, yesterday morning we took him back to the pulmonologist. He sent us all over town for blood tests, stool samples, and chest x-rays. After 4 hours of testing and running around, we went back to the doctor to review the results. According to his chest x-ray, it appeared that Nathan's stomach was in his chest wall on top of his left lung so he sent us straight to the hospital.
Now, another 15 hours later, we are in the ICU at Sutter Memorial hospital (our home away from home). All of his tests thus far have stumped the docs. His body shows lots of signs of infection, but no more evidence of pneumonia. A GI doc will be performing a barium swallow study on him in a few hours to verify or rule out a hiatal hernia (which is the most probable theory they have right now). The hernia should not cause fever/infection, so perhaps he has something else going on, too. A surgeon is also coming in for a consultation this morning which I guess suggests they think surgery will be on his agenda one way or another.
Anyway - please say a little prayer for Nathan for a speedy recovery (and a not so bad diagnosis).
I just discovered wireless in the hospital so as we know more I will post updates.
Love, the McCues
Saying a big prayer and a little prayer for you and Nathan. May the tests help the doctors find the answers for a speedy recovery. Hugs to you. - Amy
I'll get my siblings and mother to pray as well. We will send prayers for Nathan, your family and all the caregivers involved. I wish I could do more.
Love Lori and family
We are thinking of you all and sending out good vibes. Anything at all you need just call. Love, Avis, Andy, Allyson, & Alec
Thinking of you all and praying for Nathan. Can I bring you something while you are there? I will make some calls and see if you need anything. Love, Pam, Tom, Devin & Patrick
Big love from the PNW my brother. There is hope for a better day tomorrow-coop
I am praying for Nathan and your family now. I'll pray for the medical staff as well in hopes it helps them find the correct diagnosis.--Libby
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