Well, as I mentioned in last week's udpate, Nathan's good news is usually hampered with some not so good stuff. Somehow we seem to jinx ourselves when we share the good news. Nathan broke his shoulder last week. I wish we could say that we know how, but we really don't know. It could be from routine physical therapy, contractures, or even a seizure. The break is in a strange place for a typical movement, but it is what it is and now he must recover from it. He first started letting us know he had some discomfort on Wednesday, and by Friday he was yelling/crying every time we moved him. So, another visit to xray lab & ER confirmed the reason. He had a painful weekend, but seems much better with the pain today. They don't cast for this type of break, so he is wearing a sling and is not supposed to move his arm for several weeks.
Unfortunately he also has pneumonia now (I never should have bragged about just 1 pneunmonia). This one is not confirmed, but he has all the symptoms (fever, oxygen desaturation, lethargy, junky sounding lungs, etc.). With the broken shoulder, we don't want to put him thru the pain of chest x-rays just to get it confirmed. So, for now, he is being treated at home with a strong antibiotic & round the clock nebulizer treatments.
The poor guy. He endures so much, yet stays so sweet. Please pray for a speedy recovery and no hospitalization this time around. Thank you all for keeping him in your thoughts.
Love, the McCues
definitely praying for you and your sweet boy... hoping for speeding healing and cool nights to hopefully help breathing. Please call if you need any mid-night help-- just a house away....
I hope that Nathan is feeling better and letting mom and dad get some rest. I know I'm too far away for any help, but prayers from the Bloomington Kirsch group are sent your way.
Love Norma Lou, Leah, Lori and Liz (plus all of our families)
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