Well, the plot thickens. We have some answers, but also more questions. Nathan does have a hiatal hernia. And for those of you (like me) that wonder exactly what that is, I've copied the definition from webmd - "A hernia occurs when one part of the body protrudes through a gap or opening into another part. A hiatal hernia forms at the opening in your diaphragm where your food pipe (esophagus) joins your stomach. Part of the stomach pushes through this opening causing a hiatal hernia".
Cause unknown. Impact unknown. Next steps - unknown. Reason for fever & high white blood count - still unknown.
As we have learned thru our hospital stays, there is often lots of talk about many different courses of action before there is ever a true recommendation. For those that are weak of heart, it is a tough road. Luckily, my typical worrisome self has somewhat mellowed thru the last 3 years. I kind of just wait until the doctors get to their own recommendations - bringing in all the various experts and then balance that against our family wishes. Nathan has been 'threatened' with many surgeries thru the last 2 years. For this hernia, one doc thinks he needs surgery and another doc thinks he does not. Typically, surgery would not be done for this type of hernia, but opinions change when an immobile child with feeding tube and cerebal palsy is the patient. So, we will wait this one out to see where it leads us.
In the meantime, the family is hanging in there. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. It means a lot to Nathan and the family.
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