Monday, April 12, 2010

Nathan's Post Op

Dear Friends & Fam,

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes for Nathan. He made it through his surgery today like a champ. Everything went smoothly including the surgery occuring on-time despite an afternoon slot. The surgical procedure was a success, assuming all heals well. The success of the VNS will not be known for some time. We will have the device turned on tomorrow by the neurologist and will see where we go from there. We could see results soon, after a year, or not at all. I'm going to take the rainbow we saw on the drive home as a good sign that there is pot of gold at the other end of this journey.

We are thrilled with how today went. Anethesia is very scary for Nathan, and it went very well. He was taken off of oxygen about 1 1/2 hours into his post op recovery. Although he did not want to wake up for a very long time, we finally got him roused enough to bring him home. He's doing okay so far. He is very tender in both of his incision areas and unfortunately vomitted up his pain & seizure meds tonight at home. Hopefully we will be able to get some more meds in him in a few hours and keep them down.

We encountered some wonderful nurses and doctors today and were especially thrilled with the child life specialist that brought Nathan a CD player to listen to while waiting to go to surgery. Such a nice touch in the hustle & bustle of a hospital.

We are also so very touched by all the prayers and well wishes from all of you. Thanks to all of you of and an extra special thanks to Amy & Barb for taking care of Madison & Zach this evening.

We will post more when we know more.


Anonymous said...

YAY! So glad to hear good news. We are praying that this brings Nathan some relief from his seizures...

Hugs to all of you,

Pam & the boys

Jayme said...

I'm glad to hear that things went well. I hope Nathan gets some relief freom seizures and you get some peace and rest!!

Anonymous said...

So glad Nathan didn't have to stay long. I'm sure his recovery will be so much faster at home. Happy we could help with Zach. Tell him Chester misses him and hopes he comes back soon!

Barb & Fam