Nathan’s seizure saga continues. We can never get or keep control. We started him on another seizure med three months ago. I still have visions of reducing his anti-convulsant meds which could mean reducing side effects, lethargy, etc. But, we added on another one because we so desperately want to find some relief and each different drug holds an elusive promise of a better life for Nathan. So, he is now back to 4 anti-convulsants and is following the same path that he's been down so many times before. We get a honeymoon period after starting a med, but after a few weeks we go back to status quo. Sigh!
Nathan is getting bigger and heavier. His nutritionist and GI doc are very proud of him as he is finally at a good weight for height. He is starting “early puberty” (another side effect of cerebral palsy and possibly the anti-convulsants), so he is going thru an early growth spurt. With our bathroom remodel behind us, we are now dreaming of a converted mini-van and an in-home lift system , which of course continues to push out the kitchen remodel we wanted to do 6 years ago. Some of Nathan’s nurses will not lift him or push his wheelchair up the clunky steep metal ramp to get into our non-converted van. It is starting to be our warning flag to think about assistive lifting devices and changing our lifestyle overall. I also now have a bulging disc in my neck, which may or may not have been triggered by lifting Nathan, but definitely worries me as Nathan continues to grow.
We have just spent our summer
Nathan is starting his new school year next week, along with the other kids. I’m not really sure what grade Nathan is in, but for the sake of “labels”, we could say that Nathan is starting 1st grade. He will continue on his Medical Independent Study program where his teachers and therapists come to our home. It is always a bit hectic and sometimes